Mohammed VI (Arabic: ???? ?????? ?, Berber languages: ?????? ??? ???? , born August 21, 1963) is the King of Morocco. He ascended the throne on July 23, 1999 after the death of his father, King Hassan II.
Video Mohammed VI of Morocco
Early life and education
Muhammad was the second son and eldest son of Hassan II and his second wife, Lalla Latifa Hammou. On the day of his birth, Mohammad was appointed the Heir and the Crown Prince. His father was eager to give him religious and political education from an early age; at the age of four he began studying at the Qur'an school at the Royal Palace.
Mohammed completed his primary and secondary studies at Royal College and obtained a bachelor's degree in 1981, before obtaining a law degree at Mohammed V University in Agdal in 1985. His research paper was addressed with the "Arab-African Union and Strategy of the Moroccan Empire in Relationship Affairs International ". He also frequented Imperial College and the University of Rabat. He was also appointed President of the Pan Arab Games, and was assigned as Major Colonel of the Moroccan Army on 26 November 1985. He served as Office Coordinator and Royal Service Army until 1994.
In 1987, Mohammed earned his first Certificate of Cognition in Political Science, and in July 1988 he earned DiplÃÆ'Â'me d'ÃÆ' â € ° Tudes Approfondies (DEA) in public law. In November 1988, he trained in Brussels with Jacques Delors, who was then President of the European Commission.
Mohammed obtained a PhD in law with a distinction on October 29, 1993 from the French University of Nice Sophia Antipolis for his thesis on "EEC-Maghreb Relations". On July 12, 1994, he was promoted to the rank of Major General's military, and in the same year he became President of the Superior Council of Culture and Commander of the Moroccan Army.
He speaks Arabic, French, Spanish, and English.
The New York Times reported that before ascending the throne, Mohammed "gained a reputation as a playboy for the years he spent waiting on the wings, showing fondness for fast cars and nightclubs."
Maps Mohammed VI of Morocco
King of Morocco
On July 23, 1999, Muhammad succeeded his father as king, who was crowned in Rabat on 30 July.
Social Reform and liberalization
Shortly after he took the throne, Mohammed VI spoke to his people on television, pledging to take poverty and corruption, while creating jobs and improving Morocco's human rights record. Muhammad's reformist rhetoric was opposed by Islamic conservatives, and some of his reforms angered fundamentalists. In February 2004, he imposed a new family code, or Mudawana, which gave women more power.
Muhammad also created the so-called Instance EquitÃÆ' Â © et RÃÆ' Â © conciliation (IER), which was assigned to investigate human rights abuses under Hassan II. This move was welcomed by many as promoting democracy, but was also criticized as reports of human rights abuses could not name the perpetrators. According to human rights organizations, widespread abuses still exist in Morocco. The Moroccan protests of 2011 were motivated by corruption and general political dissatisfaction, as well as by the difficulties of the global economic crisis.
In December 2010, WikiLeaks whistleblowing website published a diplomatic cable suspected of high-level corruption involving the King himself.
In a speech delivered on March 9, 2011, the King said that the parliament would accept "a new force that allows it to release its representatives, legislative and regulatory missions". In addition, the judicial powers granted greater independence from the King, who announced that he was mengimponasikan committee of law scholars to produce a draft constitution in June 2011. On July 1, voters approved a series of political reform proposed by Mohammed..
Reform consists of the following:
- The Berber language is the official language of the country along with the Arabic language.
- The state guard and protect the language of Hass? n? yes and all the linguistic components of Moroccan culture as the nation's heritage.
- The king now has an obligation to appoint the prime minister of the party that wins the most seats in parliamentary elections, but can be a member of the winning party and not necessarily the party leader. Previously, the king can nominate whomever he wants for this position regardless of election results. That usually happens when no party has a big advantage over the other party, in terms of the number of seats in parliament.
- The king is no longer "sacred or holy" but his "personal integrity" is inviolable. "
- High administrative and diplomatic positions (including ambassadors, CEOs of state-owned enterprises, provincial and local governors), now appointed by the prime minister and the council of ministers led by the king; formerly the latter exclusively holding this power.
- The prime minister is the head of government and chairman of the government council, he has the power to dissolve parliament.
- The prime minister will lead the Governing Council, which prepares the state general policy. Previously the king held this position.
- Parliament has the power to grant amnesty. Previously this was exclusively held by the king.
- The independent judicial system of the legislative and executive branches, the king guarantees this independence.
- Women are guaranteed "civil and social" equality with men. Previously, only "political equality" was guaranteed, although the 1996 constitution provides all citizens' equality in respect of rights before the law.
- The king has full control over the armed forces and the judiciary as well as matters relating to religion and foreign policy; the king also has the authority to appoint and dismiss the prime minister.
- All citizens have freedom of thought, ideas, artistic expression and creation. Previously only freedom of speech and freedom of circulation and promiscuity were guaranteed. However, criticizing or directly opposing the king could still be sentenced to imprisonment.
In January 2017, Morocco banned the manufacture, marketing and sale of the burqa.
Business and wealth
Mohammed VI is a prominent businessman and banker in Morocco. By 2015, it is estimated by the Forbes magazine worth US $ 5.8 billion, and the Moroccan Royal Family has one of the greatest wealth in the world. Together with his family, they hold a majority of the shares in SociÃÆ'Â © Nationale d'Investissement (SNI), originally state-owned but merged in 2013 with Omnium Nord Africain (ONA Group), to form a single holding company taken from the Casablanca Stock Exchange - elimination equivalent to 50 billion Dirctr Marketcap (~ US $ 6 billion). SNI has a diverse portfolio of many important businesses in Morocco and operates in various sectors such as; Attijariwafa Bank (banking), Managem (mining), Onapar, SOMED (tourism/real estate and exclusive distributor of Maserati), Wafa Assurance (insurance), Marjane (hypermarket network), Wana-Inwi (telecommunications), SONASID (Siderurgy) Lafarge Maroc (cement producer), Sopriam (exclusive distributor of Peugeot-CitroÃÆ'¡n in Morocco), Renault Maroc (exclusive Renault distributor in Morocco) and Nareva (energy). SNI also has many food processing companies and is currently in the process of releasing from this sector. Between mid-2012 and 2013 sales of SNI; Lessieur , Centrale LaitiÃÆ'¨re , Bimo and Cosumar to foreign groups totaling ~ $ 1.37 billion (11.4 billion Dirhams including 9.7 billion in 2013 and 1.7 in 2012).
SNI and ONA both own shares in Brasseries du Maroc, the largest producer of alcoholic beverages and brand distributors such as Heineken in the country.
Mohammed VI is also a leading agricultural producer and landowner in Morocco, where agriculture is exempt from taxes. The parent company "Siger" owns a stake in the large farming group "Les domaines agricoles" (originally called "Les domaines royaux"), now known as " Les domaines "), founded by Hassan II. In 2008 Telquel estimated that "Les domaines" had an income of $ 157 million (1.5 billion Dirhams), with 170,000 tons of oranges being exported that year. According to the same magazine, the company officially owns 12,000 hectares of agricultural land. "Chergui" , the producer of dairy products, is the best known group brand. Between 1994 and 2004, the group was run by Mohammed VI's brother-in-law, Khalid Benharbit, husband of Princess Lalla Hasna. "Les domaines" also has "Royal Golf de Marrakech", originally owned by Thami El Glaoui.
Her daily operational budget at the palace was reported by Forbes to $ 960,000 - paid by the Moroccan state as part of 2.576 billion Dirhams/fiscal year in 2014 - due in large part to personnel, clothing and car repair costs.
Allegations of corruption
Royal involvement in business is a major topic in Morocco but public discussion about it is sensitive. The US embassy in Rabat reported to Washington in a leaked cable that "corruption is prevalent in all levels of Moroccan society". Corruption allegedly reached the highest level in Morocco, where the business interests of Mohammed VI and some of its inventors affected "any major housing project," according to a WikiLeaks document citing The Guardian newspaper. Documents released by the whistleblower website also cite the case of a businessman working for a US consortium, whose plans in Morocco were paralyzed for months after he refused to join a company linked to the royal palace. The decision on big investment in the kingdom was only taken by three people, the document quoted a company executive related to the royal family. All three are the king, his secretary Mounir Majidi, and a close friend of the king, adviser and former classmate Fouad Ali Himma, the executive said at a meeting with potential investors in the Gulf state. This corruption mainly affects the housing sector, WikiLeaks documents show.
In April 2016, Mounir Majidi, Mohammed VI's personal secretary, is mentioned in the Panama Papers.
February 20th Movement
The legitimacy of the King was contested in 2011 with the February 20 Movement which tried to undermine the function of the monarchy system.
Government pardon scandal
Protests broke out in Rabat, the capital of Morocco, on August 2, 2013, after Mohammed VI forgave 48 imprisoned Spanishmen, including a pedophile who has served a 30-year sentence for raping 11 children aged between 4 and 15. He has since been deprived of forgiveness, after the anger of the people.
Mohammed VI has one brother, Prince Moulay Rachid, and three sisters: Princess Lalla Meryem, Princess Lalla Asma, and Princess Lalla Hasna. The New York Times noted "conflicting reports about whether the new king was married on Friday night, within hours of his father's death [in 1999]... to heed the Moroccan tradition that the King married before he ascended the throne." A palace official later denied that the marriage had taken place.
On March 21, 2002, Muhammad married Salma Bennani (now H.R.H. Princess Lalla Salma) in Rabat. Bennani was given a personal title of Princess with His Majesty's title at her marriage. They have two children: Crown Prince Moulay Hassan, born on May 8, 2003, and Princess Lalla Khadija, who was born on February 28, 2007.
Muhammad's birthday on August 21 was a public holiday, although the celebration was canceled after his aunt's death in 2014.
Title, style and honor
Title and style
The official style of the King is "The Majesty of King Muhammad the sixth, Commander of the Faithful, may Allah grant him victory" ( ???? ??? Ibul Jal? is al -Malik Mu? Ammad al-Sà ¢ â,¬â "¢ dis, 'Am? R al-Mu'min? N, Na'u-Ill? H ). When he performs his duties as head of the Moroccan Royal Armed Forces, he is generally referred to as "Supreme Commander".
Awards and decoration
Pesanan nasional:
- Grand Master dari Ordo Muhammad, (23 Juli 1999)
- Grand Master Ordo Ouissam Alaouite, (23 Juli 1999)
- Grand Master of Order of Fidelity, (23 Juli 1999)
- Grand Master of the Order of the Throne, (23 Juli 1999)
- Grand Master dari Order of the Independence Combat, (23 Juli 1999)
- Grand Master dari Orde Militer Merit, (23 Juli 1999)
Mohammed VI has received many awards and decorations from different countries, some of which are listed below.
Foreign order:
- The Archbishop of the Equatorial Star Gabon (July 7, 1977)
- The Merit Order of Spain (June 2, 1979)
- Knight's Honor from the Great Cross of the Royal Victorian Order of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (October 27, 1980)
- The Great Cross of the Order of Charles III of Spain (June 23, 1986)
- Grand Cordon of the Order of the Republic of Tunisia (August 1987)
- Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic of Italy (March 18, 1997)
- Grand Cross of the French Honorary Legion (March 19, 2000)
- Order of the Order of al-Hussein bin Ali from Jordan (March 1, 2000)
- The Collar of the Order of Merit from the Italian Republic of Italy (11 April 2000)
- Grand Cordon of the Order of National Merit of Mauritania (April 26, 2000)
- Grand Collar of the Seventh Order of November Tunisia (May 31, 2014, formerly Grand Cross on May 24, 2000)
- Grand Cordon from Mali Mali National Order with Collar (June 14, 2000)
- Collar of the Isabella Order, Spanish Catholic (16 September 2000)
- Wissam of the Oumayid Order from Syria (April 9, 2001)
- Wissam of the Order of Merit of Lebanon Special Class (June 13, 2001)
- First Class Medal from the Order of Abu Bakr Siddiq from the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (June 29, 2001)
- Grand Collar of the Order of al-Khalifa Bahrain (July 28, 2001)
- The Mubarak Kuwait Supreme Collective (October 22, 2002)
- Cordon of the Qatar Freedom Order (October 25, 2002)
- Grand Cordon of the Egyptian Nile Order (October 28, 2002)
- The First Crusade of Pakistan's First Order (Nishan-e-Pakistan) (July 19, 2003)
- Grand Cross of the Valor Order from Cameroon (17 June 2004)
- The Great Cross of the Order of the Equatorial Star Gabon (June 21, 2004)
- The Great Cross of the Niger National Order in Niger (24 June 2004)
- Grand Cordon from the Leopold Order of Belgium (October 5, 2004)
- The Southern Brazilian Crusaders Collections (November 26, 2004)
- Medal of Honor from the Peruvian Congress (December 1, 2004)
- The Order of Bernardo O'Higgins from Chile (December 3, 2004)
- Grand Collar of the Liberator General San Martin Order from Argentina (7 December 2004)
- The Order of the Order of Charles III of Spain (January 14, 2005)
- Grand Collar of the Aztec Order Eagle of Mexico (February 11, 2005)
- The Big Cross of the Order BurkinabÃÆ'Â © Burkina Faso (March 1, 2005)
- Supreme Collar from the Order of the Chrysanthemum of Japan (November 28, 2005)
- Great Commander of the Order of the Republic of Gambia (February 20, 2006)
- The Great Cross of Congo's Congolese Congolese Order (February 22, 2006)
- The Great Cross of the Heroic Order of the Democratic Republic of Congo-Kinshasa (February 28, 2006)
- The Commander of the Grand Cross with the Three Stars Chain of Latvia (May 14, 2007)
- The Collective Order of Abdulaziz Al Saud from Saudi Arabia (18 May 2007)
- Grand Collar of the Equatorial Guinea Independence Order (April 17, 2009)
- The Republic of Tunisia Order Collections (May 31, 2014)
- Collar of the Order of Zayed (May 4, 2015)
- The Great Cross of the Order of La Pla  © iade (24 May 2017)
On June 22, 2000, Mohammed VI received an honorary doctorate from George Washington University.
See also
- Alaouite Dynasty
- SociÃÆ'Â © tÃÆ' Â © Nationale d'Investissement
- Hassan II
External links
- Moroccan Alaoui dynasty
- King Mohammed VI Provides First Exclusive Interview to Time
- Laurenson, John. The most powerful man in Morocco. BBC News. March 11, 2006.
- The Constitution Reform in Morocco: I am Reform!
Source of the article : Wikipedia