Selasa, 12 Juni 2018

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UX Design VS UI Design - Album on Imgur

The user experience design ( UX , UXD , UED or XD ) is the process of improving user satisfaction with the product by improving the usability, accessibility, and fun provided in interaction with the product. User experience design encompasses traditional human-computer interaction (HCI) design, and extends by addressing all aspects of a user's product or service.

Video User experience design


The field of user experience design is a conceptual design discipline and rooted in human factors and ergonomics, a field that, since the late 1940s, has focused on the interaction between human users, machines, and contextual environments to design systems that address user experience. With the increasing number of workplace computers in the early 1990s, the user experience began to become the attention of designers. It was Donald Norman, an architect of the user experience, who coined the term "user experience", and brought it to a wider audience.

I found the term because I think the interface and the usefulness of humans are too narrow. I would like to cover all aspects of one's experience with systems including industry design charts, interfaces, physical and manual interactions. Since then the term has become widespread, so much that it has begun to lose its meaning.

The term also has a newer connection to user centered design, human-computer interaction, and also incorporates elements from the same user-centered design field.

Maps User experience design


The design of the user experience includes elements of interaction design, visual design, information architecture, user research, and other disciplines, and relates to all the facts of the overall experience presented to the user. The following is a brief analysis of the constituent parts.

Visual design

Visual design, also known as graphic design, user interface design, communication design, and visual communication, represents the aesthetic or look-and-feel of the front end of each user interface. The graphical treatment of interface elements is often regarded as visual design. The purpose of visual design is to use visual elements such as colors, images, and symbols to convey a message to an audience. The basics of Gestalt psychology and visual perception provide a cognitive perspective on how to create effective visual communication.

Architecture information

Information architecture is the art and science of organizing and organizing information in products and services to support usefulness and ease of finding.

In the context of information architecture, information is separate from knowledge and data, and lies between them nebulously. This is information about the object. Objects can range from websites, software applications, to images et al. It also deals with metadata: terms used to describe and represent content objects such as documents, people, processes, and organizations.

Organizing, organizing and labeling

Setup is reducing information to the base building unit and then connecting it to each other. Organizations involve the grouping of these units in a distinctive and meaningful way. Labeling means using the right words to support navigation and easy searching.

Find and manage

Find-ability is the most critical success factor for information architecture. If the user can not find the necessary information without browsing, searching or asking, then the ability to find the information architecture fails. Navigation needs to be clearly communicated to facilitate content discovery.

Interaction Design

It is well known that the interaction design component is an important part of the design user experience (UX), which centers on the interaction between users and products. The goal of interaction design is to create products that produce an efficient and fun end-user experience by allowing users to reach their goals in the best possible way.

The current high emphasis on user centered design and a strong focus on improving the user experience has made designers an important interaction in conceptualizing products to meet user expectations and meeting the latest UI pattern and component standards. To enable a fun and desirable end-user experience, the following are some considerations for the interaction design process:

  • Defines the most appropriate interaction pattern in the
  • context
  • Incorporate user needs collected during user research into design
  • Features and information that are important to users
  • Interface behavior such as drag, select, and mouse-over
  • Effectively communicates the power of the system
  • Make the interface intuitive by building capabilities
  • Maintain consistency across the system.
  • Utilize a haptic feedback system to reduce confusion

In recent years, the role of interaction designers has shifted from focusing solely on determining UI components and communicating them to engineers for the present situation where designers have more freedom to design contextual interfaces based on helping meet user needs. Therefore, the User Experience Design evolved into a multidisciplinary design branch involving various technical aspects of motion graphics design and animation to programming.


Usability is the extent to which a product can be used by a particular user to achieve a particular goal with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in the context of the intended use.

Usability is inherent with all the tools used by humans and extended to digital and non-digital devices. As such, it is part of the user experience but not fully contained. A section of usability that intersects the user experience design related to the human ability to use the system or application. Good use is essential for a positive user experience but does not guarantee it yourself.

Usability test

Utility testing is a technique used in user-centered interaction design to evaluate a product by testing it on a user. This can be seen as an irreplaceable usage practice, as it provides direct feedback on how users actually use the system. This is a measure of how quickly a user can perform a given task to test the efficiency and intuition of a product.


Accessibility systems describe ease of access, use, and understanding. In terms of user experience design, it can also be related to the overall understanding of the information and features. This helps shorten the learning curve associated with the system. Accessibility in many contexts can be attributed to the ease of use for people with disabilities and comes under usability.

WCAG compliance

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 includes recommendations to make Web content more accessible. Following these guidelines will make the content accessible to more people with disabilities, including low vision and blindness, hearing and hearing loss, learning disabilities, cognitive limitations, limited movement, speech impairment, photosensitivity and a combination of these. Following these guidelines will also often make Web content more useful to users in general. Making content more useful and accessible for all types of users improves the overall user experience of users.

Human-computer interaction

Human-computer interaction is concerned with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use and with the study of major phenomena that surround it.

Human-computer interaction is a major contributor to the design of the user experience because of its emphasis on human performance rather than merely usefulness. This provides the main research findings that inform system improvement for the community. Human-computer interactions extend their research to more integrated interactions, such as real interactions, which are not generally covered by user experience practices. User experience can not be created or designed; it should be included in the design. Understanding the user's emotional intelligence plays a key role when designing the user experience. The first step when designing a user experience is to determine why visitors will visit the website or use the app in question. Then the user experience can be designed accordingly.

What is User Experience (UX) Design? | Interaction Design Foundation


The design of the user experience combines most or all of the above disciplines to positively affect the overall experience that a person has with a particular interactive system and its providers. The design of the user experience most often determines the order of interaction between the user (individual person) and the system, virtual or physical, designed to meet or support the needs and purposes of the user, in particular, while also meeting the system requirements and organizational goals.

Common outputs include:

  • Persona (the basic user for whom the product or service is being designed)
  • Wireframes (blueprint or storyboard screen)
  • Prototype (for interactive or mind simulation)
  • Written specifications (describing behavior or design), e.g. use the letters
  • Site audit (study the usefulness of existing assets)
  • Streams and navigation map
  • User story or scenario
  • Sitemaps and content inventory
  • High-quality visual maket (proper layout and visual design of expected product or interface)

General design process

When designing a product or service for a client, it is very important that the designers are on the same page as the client. All information collected, plans made, designs executed will reflect the final product. Strict analysis should be done before proceeding to the design stage and then much testing is done to optimize the site to the best standards so that the competitive advantage is maintained. The leading Digital marketing company combines three elements to deliver the best responsive products to customers. This is:

  1. Researching the target audience
  2. Understand the business goals of the company
  3. And most importantly apply outside the box thinking.

Brainstorming and testing ultimately direct them to complete the design for their customers. Let's take a detailed look at the step by step product design process:

  • Collect information about the problem

UX designers need to know as much as they can about people, processes, and products before the design phase. Designers can do this by meeting with clients or business stakeholders often to find out what their requirements are, or by conducting interviews with users at home or their workplace. This type of qualitative research helps designers create products and services that better serve the needs of users.

  • Prepare to design

After the research, the designer must understand the data they collect. Usually this is done through user modeling and the environment. User modeling or persona is a composite archetype based on the behavior patterns found during the study. Persona gives designers the right way of thinking and communicates about how user groups behave, how they think, what they want to achieve and why. Once created, the personas help the designer to understand the purpose of the user in a particular context, which is very useful during ideation and to validate the design concept. Other model types include workflow models, artefact models, and physical models.

  • Design

When designers have a strong understanding of user needs and goals, they start sketching out interaction frameworks (also known as wireframes). This stage defines the high-level layout of the screen structure, as well as the flow, behavior, and organization of the product. There are many types of materials that can be involved in during this iterative phase, from whiteboards to paper prototypes. When the interaction framework sets the overall structure for product behavior, the parallel process focuses on the visual and industrial design. The visual design template defines the attributes of experience, visual language, and visual styles.

Once a stable and stable frame is set, the wireframes are translated from the sketchboard to the full resolution screen that describes the user interface at the pixel level. At this point, it is important for the programming team to collaborate closely with the designer. Their input is required to create a finished design that can and will be built while remaining true to the concept.

  • Test and repeat

Usability testing is done through prototype (paper or digital). Target users are given various tasks to do on the prototype. Any problems or problems faced by users are collected as field notes and these records are used to make changes in design and repeat the testing phase. The Usability test is, in essence, a means of "evaluating, not making".

Complete Beginners' Guide: What is An UX Designer?

UX Delivery

The ultimate goal of UX designers is to solve end-user problems, and thus the ability to communicate design to stakeholders and developers is critical to the ultimate success of design. Regarding the UX specification document, this requirement depends on the client or organization involved in designing the product. The four major submissions are: title page, feature introduction, wireframes and version history. Depending on the type of project, the specification document may also include flow models, cultural models, persona, user stories, scenarios, and any previous user research. Documenting design decisions, in the form of annotated wireframes, gives developers the necessary information they may need to successfully encode the project.

Depending on the company, the user experience designer may need to be a jack of all trades. It is not uncommon to see designers of the user experience jumping at the start of the project life cycle, where issues are defined and project definitions are unclear, or after project requirements documents have been completed and functional wireframes and annotations need to be created.

Here are the details of the responsibilities experienced by the user experience designer in each project phase:

Initially, when the project was more conceptual:

  • Ethnographic research
  • Survey
  • Feedback and customer testing
  • Focus group administration
  • Uninterested interview
  • Contextual Interview
  • Mental modeling
  • Flowchart
  • Moodboard
  • Card sorting
  • Competitive analysis
  • Contextual Request

While the project is in progress:

  • Wireframing
  • Heuristic analysis
  • Expert evaluation
  • Pluralistic walkthrough
  • Persona
  • Scenario
  • Prototype
  • System mapping
  • Experience mapping
  • User testing/usability testing

After the project launches:

  • User testing/usability testing
  • A/B Test
  • Additional wireframing as a result of test and fine-tuning

How to develop the best user experience strategy. | Freelancer Blog


As the field mentioned above, the design of the user experience is a highly multi-disciplinary field, combining aspects of psychology, anthropology, architecture, sociology, computer science, graphic design, industrial design, cognitive science, and business. Depending on the product's purpose, UX may also involve the discipline of content design such as communication design, instructional design, and game design. Content subjects can also ensure collaboration with subject matter experts about UX planning from diverse backgrounds in business, government, or private groups. Recently, content strategies have represented the UX sub-field.

Graphic designer

Graphic designers focus on design aesthetic appeal. Information is communicated to the user via text and images. Much importance is given to how text and images look and attract users. Graphic designers should make stylish choices about things like font color, font type, and image location. Graphic designers focus to grab the attention of users with the way the design looks. Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and attract consumers. They develop an overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and company reports.

Visual designers

The visual designer (VisD) ensures that the visual representation of the design effectively communicates the data and instructions on the expected behavior of the product. At the same time, visual designers are responsible for conveying brand ideals in the product and for creating a positive first impression; this responsibility is shared with the industry designer if the product involves the hardware. In essence, visual designers should aim for maximum usability combined with maximum desires.

Interaction designer

The interaction designer (IxD) is responsible for understanding and determining how the product should behave. This work overlaps with the work of visual and industrial designers in several important ways. When designing physical products, interaction designers must work with industry designers early on to define requirements for physical input and to understand the behavioral impacts of the mechanism behind them. The interaction designer meets the visual designers throughout the project. Visual designers guide the discussion of the brand and the emotional aspects of the experience, Interaction designers communicate information priorities, flow, and functionality within the interface.

UX Design - Designing the user experience - Chakib Labidi - YouTube

Test design

Usability testing is the most common method used by designers to test their designs. The basic idea behind doing usability tests is to check whether the design of a product or brand works well with the target user. While performing usability testing, two things are being tested for: Whether the product design is successful and if it does not work, how can it be fixed. While the designer is testing, they are testing the design and not the users. Also, every design develops. The designers perform usability testing at every stage of the design process.

UX Designer by Johann Mahabir


Source of the article : Wikipedia
