Selasa, 26 Juni 2018

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The Impacts of The Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 ...

The Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 (Pub.L. 110-234, HR 2419, 122Ã, Stat. 923, set 22 May 2008, also known as the US 2008 Farm Bill ) is $ 288 billion, a five-year agricultural policy bill passed into law by the United States Congress on June 18, 2008. The bill is a continuation of Farm Bill 2002. It continues the long history of the United States on agricultural subsidies and the pursuit areas such as energy, conservation, nutrition, and rural development. Several specific initiatives in the bill include increased Food Stamp benefits, increased support for cellulosic ethanol production, and money for research on pests, diseases and other agricultural problems.

On January 1, 2013, Congress passed the 2012 US Taxpayer Tax Act to avoid fiscal cliffs and the next day President Barack Obama signed the law into law. (Public Law No: 112-240) The "fiscal cliff" agreement is primarily enforced to avoid tax increases and automated spending cuts, but also includes the provision of extending the share of Farm Bill 2008 for the nine months to 30 September 2013. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid demonstrates commitment to work on a new five-year Farm Bill by reintroducing Senate Farm Bill's final session at the 113th Congress.

Video Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008

Legislative history

One version of this law, the Farm, Nutrition, and Bioenergy Act of 2007 was adopted by the United States House of Representatives on 27 July 2007. Although opposed by several senators, including the failed amendment proposal by Senator Richard Lugar and veto threat by President Bush, a Senate version of the bill, called the Food and Energy Safety Act, was approved by the Senate Farming Committee on October 25, 2007, and then by the full Senate on December 14. At the end of April 2008, congressional negotiators finally reached an agreement to reconcile the bill of the House and Senate. The deal raises spending on food stamps and other food programs while largely maintaining current agricultural subsidies, despite tracking agricultural profits.

On May 15, the House and Senate passed the bill, but President Bush issued a veto on May 21. The House of Representatives voted to cancel the presidential veto shortly thereafter, and by the margin on which the bill was passed, Senate replacement also took place; so Congress overruled the president's veto, ratified the bill into law (Public Law 110-234, Food Safety and Energy Act 2007). However, the override veto was disputed, as the 34 page section of the bill was omitted in a version sent to the White House. As a result, the President vetoed the Congress bill was never considered. The bill should be passed back by Congress.

The House of Representatives passed the Agricultural Bill again on May 22, and the Senate shortly thereafter. President Bush once again vetoed the action, but the veto was imposed on both Homes on June 18, so the Agricultural Bill as a whole became law. A similar situation occurred in 2005 with the Deficit Reduction Act, where in the process of registration certain mistakes were made altering the text of the bill. In this regard, the bill is considered legal even with errors since the Speaker of the House and President of Pro Tem of the Senate affirmed that the language sent to the President is indeed a text authorized by Congress.

The bill initially caused controversy because the "pay-as-you-go" rule (Rule 10 of XXI Rules of Council of the United States House of Representatives) was abolished. The rule prohibits the consideration of a bill that increases the deficit in either a six-year period or a period of eleven years. The bill itself does not cause such an increase if it uses the "baseline", which is an estimate of future earnings and the level of US government spending, issued in 2007. A more recent baseline, issued in 2008, showed a substantial increase. in deficit over the applicable time period. While other order points are exempted under certain circumstances, payday pay points are rarely ignored.

Maps Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008


In regards to livestock legislation, the Act focuses on adjusting the level of payments and eligibility requirements while producing a new Average Crop Collection scheme. Along with this, a permanent disaster relief program was introduced with adjustments for the crop insurance program. Several new titles look towards horticultural crops, organic farming, livestock, and poultry. Also, increased funding and more institutionalized programs support producer turning to organic farming. Several new rules are enacted in the Act to regulate contracts for the production of pigs and poultry as well as the safety of poultry-related foods.

As for conservation, conservation of labor lands and better environmental practices are implemented. The expansion of the Conservation Security Program raises a new Conservation Conservation Program which is a voluntary program that influences manufacturers to address resource issues. This includes upgrading, maintaining and managing existing conservation practices and also taking part in extra activities. The same change applies to the energy title of the Act which also expands the development of bio-based energy sources along with other renewable sources. Tax provisions on biofuels such as ethanol are also introduced.

Hearing to review implementation of the Food, Conservation, and ...


The legislation accelerates the commercialization of advanced biofuels, including cellulosic ethanol, encouraging the production of biomass crops, and expanding the current Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Program.

On April 29, 2008, Farm Bill included three main components:

  • The Average Crop Flow Generation (ACRE) program that will enable farmers to choose income-based, market-oriented protection rather than subsidized payments based on a politically determined target price;
  • $ 4 billion in initial funding for conservation and employment programs;
  • Funding for local food programs such as the Farmer's Market Promotion Program, Community Food Project Grants and Healthy Food Enterprise Development Center - programs.
  • The bill includes a one-line provision (Sec. 14219. Abolition of statute of limitations applicable to debt collection with administrative offsets.) which have been implemented to collect the grandparent's tax debt.

Main section

Section 9003 of the Food, Conservation and Energy Act of 2008 provides grants covering up to 30% of the cost of developing and developing demonstration-scale biorefineries to produce "advanced biofuels", which essentially includes all fuels not produced from corn. kernel starch. It also enables loan guarantees up to $ 250 million to build commercial-scale biorefineries to produce advanced biofuels. The bill funded the biorefinery program by attracting $ 75 million from Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) for the fiscal year (FY) 2009, rising to $ 245 million in FY 2010. It also authorizes $ 150 million per year in discretionary funds for the program.

Section 15321 of the draft Act establishes a new tax credit for cellulosic biofuels producers, ie, biofuels produced from wood, grass, or non-edible plant parts. New manufacturers of cellulosic biofuel credits are set at $ 1.01 per gallon and apply only to fuels that are manufactured and used as fuel in the United States. In addition, Section 9005 of the bill provides $ 55 million in CCC funds in FY 2009 to support continued biofuel production, rising to $ 105 million in FY 2012. It also authorizes up to $ 25 million per year in discretionary funds.

The more plant-oriented steps include Section 9010 of the bill, which allows CCC to buy sugar from US producers and sell it to bioenergy producers, and Section 9011, which creates the Biomass Crop Assistance Program to support the establishment and production of biomass crops..

The 9007 section of the bill renames the current US Department of Energy and Renewable Energy Program as "Rural Energy Program for America", provides $ 55 million in CCC funds for FY 2009, increases to $ 70 million for FY 2011 and 2012, while authorizing $ 25 million other discretionary funds. The program will provide grants up to 25% of the cost of renewable energy systems and increased energy efficiency for rural agricultural producers and small businesses, as well as guarantees for loans of $ 25 million.

Section 9009 of the Draft Law creates a new "Rural Energy Self-Reliance Initiative", which will support efforts to develop renewable energy systems throughout society. The bill does not provide strong funding for the initiative but authorizes up to $ 5 million per year in discretionary funds.

Section 9013 also authorizes up to $ 5 million per year to support community-scale fuelwood systems.

commodity programs â€

Energy efficiency, renewable energy and progress

The USDA announced in 2008-08-27 that 639 farms and rural businesses in 43 states and the Virgin Islands have been selected to receive $ 35 million in grants and loan guarantees for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements. While many awards are typically intended for more energy-efficient grain dryers, the USDA notes that a farm in Iowa will use grants to replace propane heating systems with geothermal heating systems, while the company in Louisiana will buy energy-efficient electric motors for irrigation wells.

On January 16, 2009, the USDA also announced the first loan guarantee for a commercial-scale cellulose ethanol plant.

Section 9003 allows the USDA Rural Development office to approve this $ 80 million loan for Range Fuels Inc. Range Fuels produce low bio-carbon fuels from all and all biomass. The $ 80 million loan is dedicated to building facilities that will produce cellulosic ethanol from wood chips. In 2010 the plant is expected to reach a production level of 20 million gallons of ethanol per year. Other benefits of the plant include an estimated 63 jobs to be built to build and operate the facility.

Grants and loans are provided through the Renewable Energy Program and Energy Efficiency Improvement Program from the USDA Rural Development office. The program was created by Section 9006 of Bill Farm 2002 and expanded under the Farm Bill of 2008.

Some renewable energy sources programs under the law include:

  • Bio-refinery Assistance Program: This program helps those seeking assistance in the development and construction of their biorefinery.
  • Repowering Assistance: USDA provides $ 35 million to help biorefineries in transferring to alternative energy sources to heat and power their facilities.
  • Bioenergy Program for Advanced Vegetable Fuels: This program provides payments to agricultural producers for continued use of biofuels including fuels derived from renewable biomass. Approximately $ 300 million of funds are released into the program.
  • Biodiesel Education Program: $ 1 million annually is distributed to this program to make fleet owners aware of the benefits of biodiesel.
  • Biomass Research and Development: $ 118 million is allocated to this area and mainly works for the benefit of universities, laboratories, and research institutes.
  • Rural Energy Self-Support Initiative: The goal of this program is to inform the public about its energy use by providing location assessments and analysis where savings are possible. $ 5 million per year is available for this program.
  • Biomass Crop Assistance Program: The government spends up to 75% of research costs to produce crops for bioenergy conversion.
  • Forest Biomass for Energy Programs: This program focuses on getting people to use forest biomass for energy and allocating $ 15 million each year for its causes.

USDA Food Stamps | Seditious Delicious

Bantuan makanan

The Food and Nutrition Program covers about 80% of total Food, Conservation & Budget Bill on Energy Law. Improving domestic food nutrition and assistance to low income families is strongly supported by the law. This area provides the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), the Emergency Food Aid Program, as well as a free fresh snack and fruit program intended to help schools with needy students. Also, the law provides assistance to organizations such as food banks and public kitchens. Promoting savings is another provision of such action by increasing resource limits and no longer calculating preferred tax retirement accounts and tax accounts to the limits of resources. The purchasing power of SNAP will also stop losing value every year under the laws and SNAP rules will fully take into account the annual inflation.

The bill also increases funding, with programs available in 35 primary schools in each state. This allows more schools to be added proportionately to the student population in each state and the school is selected based on a free lunch percentage and reduced. This program no longer allows nuts but would rather see fresh fruits and vegetables instead. With additional nutritional title funding, he allocated $ 4 million to create pilot programs in many different schools in several states. This will provide grain products for participating school nutrition programs. $ 50 million per year is distributed to provide schools with fresh fruits and vegetables with the help of Farm Bill while $ 3 million is used to conduct a school nutrition survey to examine what students actually eat.

commodity programs â€


Reports from the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2007 criticized the United States and other developed countries to continue subsidizing their agricultural trade. Such subsidies, according to reports, prevent fair competition from developing countries. Due to its refusal to comply with WTO guidelines, the United States is targeting up to $ 4 billion of potential trade sanctions by Brazil.

President George W. Bush also objected to the bill, and vetoed due to high costs and negative impacts on poor farmers; His veto threats allowed many Republican congressmen to attach pigs into it, making the bill more expensive than it should be, as Democratic leaders needed Republican votes to waive the veto. Bush claims that it is too generous for the already wealthy farmers who do not really need additional financial help. Others argue that the bill should include more subsidies for renewable energy. In negotiations between legislative members of Congress and the White House, President Bush indicated that the payout limit to anyone earning more than $ 750,000 per year is still too high, and if the hat is downgraded to anyone earning more than $ 200,000, it will support the bill that.

Food experts, international aid groups and the White House suggested that the bill was not sufficiently focused on the growing global food crisis around the world. Some of that money can be used to feed poor children who suffer in other countries but otherwise farmers in the United States, which should be designed to help, are largely developed. Only about one percent of the total cost of bills sent overseas to provide relatively little food aid to those in need. International aid groups criticize agricultural bills in the United States for neglecting poor farmers in developing countries by causing them to compete with wealthy American farmers and pay taxes. Billions of dollars in subsidies were distributed to these farmers no matter how much they grew, the groups said, and parliamentarians failed to help the needy.

Guide to the 2018 United States Farm Bill | Farm Flavor

Payment threshold

The main factors and controversial issues involved in the action include the amount of payments received by farmers. Many people who are eligible to receive funding take advantage of this opportunity by taking steps to substantially increase the funds they get. This includes gaining access to more land leading to more government funds or even using a partner to potentially qualify for more payments. The couple is automatically credited for marrying an actively engaged farmer who allows more benefits. So to prevent this, certain laws are enacted in actions that reduce this problem so that major operations will be less likely to try and play the system and accumulate large amounts of direct payments.

One of the limits imposed under Farm Bill legislation is that farms are not eligible if non-farm income exceeds $ 500,000 or if gross farm income is more than $ 750,000 over a three-year period. The Direct and Counter-Cyclical Program limits are the same as what is in the Farm Bill 2002. Payments are limited to $ 40,000 for Direct Payments and Counter-Cyclical Payments to $ 65,000 per entity. Also, the $ 65,000 limit per individual is placed under ACRE payments. The only real requirement to be able to receive payments for this program is to actively engage in agriculture, donate capital, land, or machinery, and provide labor/management.

Agriculture and Energy | Congressman Steve King


The bill created the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) that consolidates federal farming research. In addition the bill is mandated:

  • $ 78 million total for organic farming research, fiscal year (TA) 09-12 [$ 25 million/year officially, subject to allocation]
  • Total $ 230 million for special crops research, FY09-12 [$ 100 million/year official]
  • Total $ 118 million for biomass research and development, FY08-12 [$ 35 million/year official]
  • IFAFS is still authorized, but $ 200 million in compulsory funding per year has been removed.
  • All required funds must be distributed by the new NIFA through a competitive grant.

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Energy Crops for Biofuels - Biothek Ecologic Fuel | Biothek ...

External links

  • Food, Conservation and Text Energy Act 2008 (US Government Printing Office),
  • "USDA Put Farm Program on Animal ID", from The Nation ,
  • The 2007 US Agricultural Bill at Discourse DB,
  • Agriculture Billing Options 2007, from Rural Affairs Center ,
  • Agriculture Billing Options 2007 from Agricultural Bureau ,
  • American Farmland Trust , Agriculture Billing Summary
  • Links to home page for more information on research at 2007 Farm Bill,
  • Expires and Renewal of Bill Bill's 2008 Billing Research Service
  • Consultative Group to Eliminate Use of Child Labor and Forced Labor in Agricultural Products Import

Source of the article : Wikipedia
