Minggu, 24 Juni 2018

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birth control methods chart - Dolap.magnetband.co
src: www.womenscommunityclinic.org

There are many different birth control methods, which vary in what the user requires, side effects, and effectiveness. It is also important to note that not every type of birth control is ideal for every user. Described here are the different types of barrier, spermicide, or coitus interruptus methods that should be used before any sexual act. Immediate contraceptives, such as physical barriers, including diaphragms, hats, contraceptive sponges, and female condoms may be placed several hours before sexual intercourse begins (note that when using a female condom, the penis should be guided to the spot when initiating intercourse). A female condom must be expelled immediately after sexual intercourse, and before it arises. [1] Some other female barrier methods should be abandoned for several hours after sex. Depending on the shape of the spermicide used, they can be applied several minutes to an hour before intercourse begins. In addition, male condoms should be applied when the penis is erect so that it is properly applied prior to intercourse.

By insertion of an IUD (intrauterine device), female or male sterilization, or hormonal implants, very little is required from the initial procedure of user posting; there is nothing to do before sexual intercourse to prevent pregnancy. [2] The intrauterine method requires a clinical visit for installation and removal or replacement (if desired) only once every few years (5-12) depending on the device. This allows users to be able to try and become pregnant if they want to, after IUD removal. Conversely, sterilization is a one-time permanent procedure. After successful operation is verified (for vasectomy), no further action is required from the user.

The implant provides effective birth control for three years without user action between insertion and removal of the implant. Insertion and removal Implants involve small surgical procedures. Oral contraceptives require some action every day. Other hormonal methods require less weekly action for patches, twice a month for vaginal ring, monthly for combined injectable contraceptives, and every twelve weeks for MPA removal. The fertility awareness-based method requires several actions each day to monitor and record fertility signs. The lactation amenorrhea method (LAM) requires breastfeeding at least every four to six hours.

Video Comparison of birth control methods

User dependency

Different methods require different levels of persistence by the user. Methods with little or nothing to do or remember, or that require clinic visits less than once per year are said to be not dependent on the user , forgotten or over- method. Intrauterine, implant and sterilization methods fall into this category. For non-user-dependent methods, the actual and perfect use failure rates are very similar.

Many birth control hormonal methods, and LAM require a moderate level of concern. For many hormonal methods, clinic visits should be done every three months to a year to update the recipe. Pills should be taken daily, patches must be reapplied weekly, or rings should be replaced every month. Injections are needed every 12 weeks. The rules for LAM should be followed daily. Both LAM and hormonal methods provide a lower level of protection against pregnancy if they are sometimes used incorrectly (rarely longer than 4-6 hours between breast milk, pills or delayed injections, or forgetting to replace patches or rings on time). The actual rate of failure for LAM and hormonal methods is somewhat higher than the rate of complete failure of use.

A higher level of user commitment is required for other methods. Barrier methods, coitus interruptus, and spermicides should be used in any sexual act. A fertility awareness-based method may require daily tracking of the menstrual cycle. The actual failure rate for this method may be much higher than the failure rate of perfect use.

Maps Comparison of birth control methods

Side effects

Different forms of birth control have different side effects. Not all, or even most, users will experience side effects from a method.

The less effective method, the greater the risk of side effects associated with pregnancy.

Minimal or no other side effects are possible with coitus interruptus, fertility-based consciousness, and LAM. Some forms of periodic abstinence encourage cervical examination; insertion of the finger into the vagina to perform this examination may cause changes in the vaginal environment. Following the rules for LAM can delay the first menstrual period after delivery beyond what is expected from various breastfeeding practices.

The barrier method has the risk of an allergic reaction. Users who are sensitive to latex may use a barrier made of a substance that is lacking - a polyurethane condom, or a silicon diaphragm, for example. Barrier methods are also often combined with spermicides, which have the potential side effects of genital irritation, vaginal infections, and urinary tract infections.

Sterilization procedures are generally considered to have low risk side effects, although some people and organizations disagree. Female sterilization is a more significant operation than a vasectomy, and has a greater risk; in industrialized countries, the mortality rate is 4 per 100,000 tubal ligations, compared to 0.1 per 100,000 vasectomy.

After IUD installation, the user may experience irregular periods in the first 3-6 months with Mirena, and sometimes heavier periods and worse menstrual cramps with ParaGard. However, "ninety-nine percent of IUD users are happy with them". The positive characteristics of IUDs are fertility and the ability to conceive quickly after IUD is removed.

Due to their systemic nature, the hormonal method has the greatest number of possible side effects.

Sex Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases

Male and female condoms provide significant protection against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) when used consistently and correctly. They also provide some protection against cervical cancer. Condoms are often recommended in addition to more effective birth control methods (such as IUDs) in situations where STD protection is also desirable.

Other barrier methods, such as the diaphragm, may provide limited protection against infection in the upper genital tract. Other methods provide little or no protection against sexually transmitted diseases.

contraceptive methods chart - Dolap.magnetband.co
src: i.pinimg.com

Calculation of effectiveness

The failure rate can be calculated using the Pearl Index or the life table method. The level of "perfect use" is where any rules of the method are strictly followed, and (if applicable) this method is used in every act of sexual intercourse.

The actual failure rate is higher than the level of perfect use for various reasons:

  • error on the part of those giving instructions on how to use the
  • method
  • error on the part of the
  • method user
  • non-compliance users who are aware of the method.
  • Insurers sometimes block access to drugs (eg require a recharge recipe every month)

For example, a person using oral forms of hormonal birth control may be misinformed by health care providers such as frequency of intake, or for some reason not taking a pill one or more days, or not going to a pharmacy in time to update a prescription, or perhaps a pharmacy not willing to provide enough pills to cover an extended absence.

contraceptive chart - Dolap.magnetband.co
src: www.bmj.com


Tables under the default color use and perfect-use failures, where failure rates are measured as the expected number of pregnancies per year per woman using the method:

For example, a 20% failure rate means that 20 out of 100 pregnant women during the first year of use. Note that the figure may rise above 100% if all women, on average, become pregnant in less than a year. In the worsening case of all women becoming pregnant instantly, that number will become infinite.

In the user action required column, items that are not dependent on users (requires action once per year or less) also have a blue background.

Several methods can be used simultaneously for a higher level of effectiveness. For example, using a condom with spermicide, a perfect rate of failure that is estimated to be proportional to the improper rate of implant failure. However, mathematically combining rates to estimate the effectiveness of combined methods can be inaccurate, since the effectiveness of each method is not necessarily independent, except in the perfect case.

If a method is known or suspected to be ineffective, such as a broken condom, emergency contraception (ECP) can be taken up to 72 to 120 hours after intercourse. Emergency contraception should be taken shortly before or as soon as possible after sexual intercourse, as its efficacy decreases with increasing delay. Although ECP is considered an emergency measure, levonorgestrel ECP is taken just before sex can be used as a primary method for women who have sex only a few times a year and want a hormonal method, but do not want to take hormones all the time. The rate of failure of ECP LNG use repeatedly or regularly is similar to the level for those using the barrier method.

This table lists pregnancy rates during the first year of use.

Table notes

Reference table

birth control effectiveness chart - Dolap.magnetband.co
src: assets.feministing.com

Cost and cost effectiveness

Family planning is one of the most effective of all health interventions. Contraceptive costs include the cost of the method (including inventory, office visit, training), cost of method failure (ectopic pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, induced abortion, birth, childcare costs) and the cost of adverse events. Contraception saves money by reducing unwanted pregnancies and reducing transmission of sexually transmitted infections. For comparison, in the US, the method-related costs vary from zero to about $ 1,000 for a year or more of reversible contraception.

During the first five years, vasectomy is proportional to the cost for IUDs. Vasectomy is much cheaper and safer than tubal ligation.

Because of the ecological consciousness of breastfeeding and fertility are behaviors, they do not require a fee or a small down payment for thermometers and/or training. Methods based on fertility awareness can be used throughout the woman's reproductive life.

Not using contraception is the most expensive option. While in this case there is no cost related method, it has the highest failure rate, and thus the highest failure cost is related. Even if one only considers the medical costs associated with praconception care and delivery, each method of contraception saves money compared to not using the method.

The most effective and most cost effective method is the long working method. Unfortunately, these methods often have significant up-front costs, requiring users to pay for some of these costs preventing some from using more effective methods. Contraception saves money on public health and insurance systems.

Hurray for Fertility and Birth Control Apps! Are Critics Making ...
src: www.cyclebeads.com


Source of the article : Wikipedia
